Cookies Notice

Updated: 04/22/2022

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device. When you return to a website that has stored a cookie or visit websites that use the same cookies, the cookies are recognized. Like many websites, we use cookies to collect website usage data and to operate our website. Most web browsers are set to automatically allow cookies, however, cookies are not required to browse our website or contact us, and you may opt out or disallow cookies on our website if you prefer.

How are Cookies Used?

We use cookies to better understand how you interact with our website, and how to better serve our information to you, using third party tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tags, Google Ads, and Facebook. Cookies are also used to help personalize your experience on our website, track conversions, and to help serve our ads via Google and Facebook services based on your previous search history and web browsing behavior.

Third Party Cookies Used on Our Website (

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook
  • UserWay Accessibility

Opting Out of Cookies

When you entered our website, you were presented with an option to opt in or opt out of cookies usage for this website. If you need to adjust your settings please click this button: Cookie Settings

Additionally, if you would like to opt out of storing cookies from our website completely, please find your browser specific instructions here:

Manage Personalized Advertising Cookies here:

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